This is an overview of all courses you can take on our platform. All courses are available without time limitations and can be used 24/7. In order to access the course you necessarily need a internet connection. The subject matters are based on latest scientific findings and are regularly updated and expanded.
The courses continue chronologically: Basic 1, Basic 2, Professional.
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have.
The Basic-Training provides you a systematical training concept to discern and make use of micro expressions in your partner's facial expressions during a conversation. more...
The advanced module "Basic 2" provides you with an additional training concept. Thus, you will learn how to detect and make use of microexpressions in the facial profile. more...
This worldwide unique course procures comprehensive background knowledge of the formation and decoding of facial expressions. Learn to detect smallest movements and subtle signals in facial expressions in this course. more...